The Friday Five

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I've only just discovered that the Friday Five exists once again. So I'm hopping back on that bandwagon with full force. Of course the problem with it is that friday is always almost over in Australia before they publish it but OH WELLS. So without further ado:

The Friday Five

  1. if you had to participate in one olympic event what would it be and why?

  2. - Fencing. It looks like a hell of a lot of fun and I'd have the added bonus of sword skills. Theres a lot of prima donnas in that sport I'd love to be involved. However I dont currently have any skills in that area. If they made photoshopping an Olympic event I'd be in like Flynn.

  3. what is the one song you always sing along to?

  4. - I sing along to pretty much any song., especially if I'm driving. Its reached the point that I cant concentrate as well if I dont have something to sing along to.

  5. do you wear a seatbelt in the car?

  6. - Yes, its against the law not to here in Australia. You aren't ready to go until your strapped in, driving without it just feels ridiculous.

  7. car, suv or truck and why?

  8. - Car, I don't trust myself to drive a manual anymore its just been too long. I'd prefer a truck or SUV but they use too much petrol and I don't go camping or exploring enough to justify it anyway.

  9. are you a good/bad driver? explain

  10. - About average. Im not the best, I've had an accident and caused some major damage when the brakes failed on a steep hill. I've gotten a speeding ticket and I have a tendency to run the amber lights. But I'm careful about signaling, leaving enough space between cars, changing my driving style in wet weather, and checking my blind spot.

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