Weekend of nothing to report

6:58 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »
I didnt go out this weekend.
It feels like Ive been sick for months but its more like one month. I just cant shake it this flu. I'll improve and then the next day I'm barely able to make it out of bed.
This weekend I just wasnt up to anything and had to bail on so many peoples events. I'm so sorry I really wanted to be there!
I missed Peter Combe, which I don't think there is anyway to describe how goddamn excited I was for. I cannot think of a more fun concert to go to, I actually screamed out loud at the store when I saw his tour dates but it wasn't to be. God I'm still so angry and upset about that, I'm in tears just TYPING about the bloody thing.
Hopefully he will do it again some day and the novelty and profitability hasn't already worn off.

Sunday was both a good day and the worst day. I had two wonderful people take some time out to spend with pathetic old me. Which I fear was incredibly boring for both of them but I loved every minute.

So overall I'm in a pretty bad way, physically, being sick for so long has really taken its toll and I'm just falling apart. I'm also in a pretty bad way emotionally but lets not talk about that.

Boring weekend, stupid sick, stupid work, stupid crap.
talking to the goat gods, just want my garden, look, beautiful

1 comment:

Zac said...

I don't think you could have fit anymore feelings of defeat into this post if you tried.

It's insane that you're so unwell perpetually, perhaps the doctors you're going to haven't discovered that you have some crazy-rare ailment...