Gallery schtuffs

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A few major updates
My portfolio is now live and exciting!
and it may soon be the only place to view my work. I have to make a decision about my involvement with the gallery before Friday when they bring in the new membership system. I want to support the gallery and see it succeed but to do that they are going to need more and more commitment and time from all the artists.
With my other plans, i don't think thats going to be possible.
Ugh, I hate the idea of pulling out now when they are trying to straighten the galleries operations out but I'm ready to embark on a new adventure.

The new adventure is an attempt at a new career path
Ive got my name down for a pre-apprenticeship course starting in September. And I'm working on getting my name down for a couple of other small courses after that. Then I have to charm my way into an apprenticeship itself. Which sounds like quite a battle.

I think I'm finally over being sick
I'm still coughing every morning and night but I'm not really sickly. Which seems to have taken forever to get to. There is no way on earth I'm going to the ekka.

My brother is back from overseas and as much as I hate to admit it, I really missed him. My character stats were -50 randomness. Its a relief to have that back. For starters he's going to move out of the parents house by the end of the week which is causing some excitement and panic.


thats it for now

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