Mp3 Sorting

11:59 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
I finally reached the point of no return, my mp3 collection is so badly sorted that I just cant find songs on my mp3 player without at least a 15 minute search. Ive got crappy bitrates, bad filenames and thats without even looking at the ID tags on the files. They are all, in some way wrong.
Now Ive sat down and decided to sort the mess in the past and I would put in a valiant effort but there was just TOO MUCH to do. Plus I kept changing my mind about how they should be sorted and named.
Its about that time
I cant put it off any longer
Something drastic must be done.

Ive installed Tag & Rename to aid me. Its only a 30 day trial so Ive got to get this done in 30 days!
So this is the naming convention Ive decided on

So heres an example:

In retrospect I could have put the year of release at the start so they all sit in chronological order but I can settle with alphabetical, I don't quite need to be THAT anal.
*looks sideways at poodlehead*
I'm also making sure all the ID3 tags are correct
The genre tags are all over the place, its going to be so awesome when I can actually search by genre. The convenience will be overwhelming.
I'm going with the genre labels given on each bands Wiki page, where I'm not quite sure.

I started yesterday morning and worked on it pretty solidly till 4 o'clock
Then I got a few more hours in before work today and Ive got one more artist in the D's (Dntel) and then Im heading into E's baby.
I think I'll probably get them done in a week or two. Depending on how many files have no ID3 tags, creating those from scratch really slows me down.

Any other suggestions?
How do you arrange your music files?


geordie said...

I've been there, wasted many hours, but now I have seen the light: Let your computer do the work for you. Stick them in a database-driven program like iTunes, get the id3 tags right, and let the program do the rest. Then your songs are only a search box away, and it's so easy to add new tracks to the collection. My >80GB collection is perfectly named, genred, and cover arted. SO ANAL.

Anonymous said...

I did the whole tag thing a while ago. Once you've got your ID3 data sorted, you can usually just run it through any respectable tagging software and it'll make your directory structure for you. It's an awesome feeling once you've finished though. :-)

I can agree with Geordie. I could never go back to a Winamp/Foobar2000/misc. My preferred database driven player software is musikCube which is similar to iTunes.